beat the bushes forの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5
  1. We used to have to beat the bushes for locations,
  2. "We didn't have to beat the bushes for them.
  3. In general, we don't have to beat the bushes for anything,"
  4. Normally, recruiters have to beat the bushes for young men and women who qualify physically and scholastically.
  5. With an interest in acting and modeling, Woodall has hired two public relations agents to beat the bushes for him.


  1. "beat the bound"の例文
  2. "beat the bounds"の例文
  3. "beat the brain"の例文
  4. "beat the bush"の例文
  5. "beat the bushes"の例文
  6. "beat the car"の例文
  7. "beat the champ"の例文
  8. "beat the champion"の例文
  9. "beat the chef"の例文
  10. "beat the chefs"の例文
  11. "beat the bush"の例文
  12. "beat the bushes"の例文
  13. "beat the car"の例文
  14. "beat the champ"の例文

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